NB Semiplate Cu 150 - 1.00 l

Product information "NB Semiplate Cu 150 - 1.00 l"
NB Semiplate CU 150
Copper Plating Solution
General Information
The NB Semiplate CU 150 process is an acid copper plating formulation engineered for wafer plating applications including copper bump plating, interconnects or MEMS. The NB Semiplate CU 150 process provides excellent throwing power, improved levelling characteristics, ductile low stress deposits and offers unique flexibility in its operation.
This product is specially designed for the operation with inert anode systems without negative impact on plating quality or sensitive compounds such as organic additives. However, the operation using soluble anodes is not excluded.
NB Semiplate CU 150
NOTE: NB Semiplate CU 150 is a ready-to-use product. It is not necessary to add other materials for the initially start of the application. Over time, it may be necessary depending on the electrolyte and application to add additives (see data sheet). With adjusted photoresist processing, the NB Semiplate CU 150 is compatible with common AZ®- and TI resists.
Further Information
Safety Data Sheet NB Semiplate CU 150 english
Sicherheitsdatenblatt NB Semiplate CU 150 german
Technical Data Sheet NB Semiplate CU 150 english
Application Notes:
Instruction NBT Sample Service for Plating Baths english
Anleitung NBT Probenservice für Galvanikbäder german
Plating Theory english
Galvanik Theorie german
Plating and Photoresist english
Galvanik und Fotolacke german
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